Privacy Policy



AiraSoft’s Privacy Policy is designed to provide clarity about the information we collect and how we use it to provide a better apps experience. By accepting our Privacy Policy in registration or apps installation, or accessing our website, you consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to all of the terms below, do not access or use any of Airasoft’s apps, services, or products, hereafter denoted as “AiraSoft product” or “AiraSoft apps”.


AiraSoft develops and publishes apps for mobile devices such as Belajar Iqro dengan Audio and Doa Anak Muslim. (from herein, known as “AiraSoft’s apps”).

If you have questions regarding this Privacy Policy or our collection and use of information, please contact us as described below in (“Contact Us”).

Apps for Children 

Our priority is adding protection for children while using the internet. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate in, and/or monitor and guide their online activity.

The content of apps in this category will be treat as child-directed for purposes of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). These apps are included in the Designed for Families Program. We will ensure that the apps are safe for families and children.

We use ads on some apps in this category. We use Google Play certified ad network to fill the ad requests (Google Admob). We also disable the personalised-ads for these apps and set the max content rating of ads to G to comply with the Designed for Families Program. We ensure that the third-party ad networks comply with the Designed for Families policy-compliant ads.

We do not collect and share device and user data to any location outside of the device for apps in the children category.

Apps for Everyone, including Family and Children

Apps for everyone, including family and children use Google Play certified ad network to fill the ad requests. The service displays advertising that appears on mobile devices such as smart phones or tablets that have internet connections. Advertising can take place as text ads, banner or full page advertisements that appear embedded in the downloaded mobile applications or games.

We use 1 provider in the Google Play certified ad network to fill the mobile apps ad requests:

1. Google Admob (Google, Inc.)
The Google Admob service displays mobile advertisements based on individual's web browsing history, geographic location, and with data collected by shopping habits.
For more information  – See on Google Privacy Policy.

Why the Data is Collected
Our third parties collect the data to display relevant ads on the website and mobile applications. We have no access to or control over the data that is used by third-party advertisers.

Information We Share
We do not store the data in our location. The data is collected by our third parties as described on the previous section. We cannot share any information that is collected by third parties. You can visit their Privacy Policy for more details.

When this Privacy Policy Applies
Our Privacy Policy applies to all of the services offered by AiraSoft, including the website and our mobile applications.

We may update this policy from time to time to comply with the regulatory authorities and will post updates to this policy on this web page.

Links to Other Website or Application
Links from the AiraSoft Apps to third party Websites or Applications are provided for your convenience. In addition, content in AiraSoft Apps may be hosted by other websites or applications. Any personal information you provide on the linked pages or applications is provided directly to that third party and is subject to that third party’s privacy policy, not ours. These other sites and applications maintain their own policies regarding cookies and the collection and use of personal information. It is up to you to review those policies yourself.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments about this Policy or our practices relating to the AiraSoft Apps, please contact us at : . We will endeavor to respond to your inquiry or information request to the extent possible.